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HomeGraphic Design80 Canva Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Edit Like a Pro

80 Canva Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Edit Like a Pro

Just like any Photo editing tool, Canva also has some default keyboard shortcuts that can help make your work easier and faster. You can become more productive using these shortcuts while working in Canva.

Below are some of the default shortcuts that will help you lot.

  1. Copy: Cmd/Ctrl + C
  2. Paste: Cmd/Ctrl + V
  3. Undo an action: Cmd/ctrl + Z
  4. Redo an action: Cmd/ctrl + Shift + Z
  5. Add a line: L key
  6. Add a rectangle: R key
  7. Add a circle: C key
  8. Quick Copy: Alt/Option + Drag
  9. Add a text box: T key
  10. Bold text: Cmd/ctrl + B
  11. Show guides: Cmd/ctrl + ;
  12. Show Rulers: Shift + R
  13. Italicized text: Cmd/ctrl + I
  14. Underline text: Cmd/Ctrl + U
  15. Increase font size: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + >
  16. Decrease font size: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + <
  17. Copy text style: Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Alt + C
  18. Paste text style: Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Alt + V
  19. Convert text to uppercase: Cmd/ctrl + Shift + K
  20. Align text to the left: Cmd/ctrl + shift + L
  21. Align text to the right: Cmd/ctrl + shift + R
  22. Align text in the center: Cmd/ctrl + shift + C
  23. Anchor text to the top of text box: Shift + Cmd/ctrl + H
  24. Anchor text to the middle of text box: Shift + Cmd/ctrl + M
  25. Anchor text to the bottom of text box: Shift + Cmd/ctrl + B
  26. Decrease font size by one point: Shift + Cmd/ctrl + ,
  27. Increase font size by one point: Shift + Cmd/ctrl + .
  28. Decrease line spacing: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl + Down
  29. Increase line spacing: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl + Up
  30. Decrease letter spacing: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl + ,
  31. Increase letter spacing: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl + .
  32. Group elements: Cmd/Ctrl + G
  33. Ungroup elements: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + G
  34. Duplicate elements: Cmd/ctrl + D
  35. Duplicate an element (option 2): select the element, click Command-C to copy, and Command-V to paste
  36. Select all elements: Cmd/ctrl + A
  37. Deselect element: ESC key
  38. Delete element: Delete key
  39. Send elements backward: Cmd/ctrl + [
  40. Send elements forward: Cmd/ctrl + ]
  41. Send elements to back: Cmd/ctrl +Option/Alt + [
  42. Send elements to front: Cmd/ctrl + Option/Alt + ]
  43. Constrain proportions while resizing: Shift + Drag Corners
  44. Scale element relative to it’s center point: Alt + Drag Side Handles
  45. Zoom in: Cmd/ctrl + “+”
  46. Zoom out: Cmd/ctrl + “-”
  47. Zoom in 100%: Cmd/ctrl + 0
  48. Zoom to fit Screen: Cmd/ctrl + Option/Alt + 0
  49. Zoom to fill: Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + 0
  50. Add a new page: Cmd/Ctrl + Return key
  51. Delete empty page: Cmd/Ctrl + Delete key
  52. Add a comment: Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Alt + M
  53. Next comment: N
  54. Previous comment: Shift + N
  55. Select multiple elements: Shift + Click
  56. Tidy up: Alt/Opt + Shift + T
  57. Save: Cmd/ctrl + S
  58. Delete Selection Content: Backspace or Delete
  59. Move an element in increments: select the element and click the arrows
  60. Move an element in larger increments: select the element, hold Shift, and click the arrows
  61. Select an element behind an element: select the front element, hold Command, and keep clicking until you reach the element at the back
  62. Move multiple elements (not grouped): select an element, hold Shift, select the other elements, and drag them
  63. View an element’s distance from other elements and from the edges: select an element, hold Option, and move your cursor
  64. Present in full screen mode: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl + P
  65. Exit from full screen mode: Esc
  66. Mute / Unmute video: M
  67. Loop video: Alt/Opt + Shift + L
  68. Play / Pause video: Spacebar
  69. Presentations: Q to shush crowd
  70. Presentations: D for drumroll
  71. Presentations: C for confetti
  72. Presentations: O for bubbles
  73. Presentations: B to blur presentation
  74. Collapse sidebar: Cmd/ctrl + /
  75. Enter scrolling view: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl + 1
  76. Enter thumbnail view: Option/Alt + Cmd/ctrl+ 2
  77. Enter grid view: Option/Alt Cmd/ctrl + 3
  78. Toggle assistant: ?
  79. Navigate to the toolbar: Cmd/ctrl + F1
  80. Lock / unlock: Alt/Opt + Shift + L

The more you get used to the keyboard shortcuts, the better and faster your design skills becomes.

Abiola Oluwasanmi
Abiola Oluwasanmihttps://netplustraining.com
Abiola Oluwasanmi is the CEO of Netplus Systems LLC, a division of Netplus Marketing Services. Checkout our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@NetplusMedia


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